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Earn money with Marketglory

Marketglory is a free strategy game where you play from your Internet browser.

You will not have any problem when it comes to playing from wherever you want to have Internet and a browser, whether for example on your tablet, laptop, smartphone ...

The best thing about this game is that you can earn real money playing it for just a few minutes a day and with a few simple clicks!

To register it is totally free, all you have to do is go to the following link and start creating your account.

Basic Marketglory Guide

From here I will start with my mini tutorial to quickly learn to play easily, the game does not have much complication and you will see that it is all very simple.

Basic concepts 

Here we have the main basic window of the game

In it we get a lot of data but do not worry when you see so much information at once, it is very simple.



First the most important things.



Energy : It is the amount of energy that your player has available.


Experience : The experience accumulated both from fighting and from working and other actions.


Knowledge : The amount of knowledge your player has.


Productivity : It is the average between energy, experience and knowledge, the higher its levels, the higher your productivity and that is good because the more you have, the more income you generate.


Below I simply explain the economic system of the game.


EURO : The total number of money in Euros € that your account has.


GOLD : Total gold you have, basically you exchange your Gold for Euros that simple.


ESP : It is the currency to the country you are in, you get it by working for companies and fighting against other players and then you can exchange it for Gold all that simple.


Let's review and make a Mini summary


The more productivity that is the average energy experience and knowledge. The higher your ESP earning for fighting and working.



You exchange your ESP for GOLD and then you can get EUROS by exchanging the Gold that simple everything.

The first steps in Marketglory

Basically all you have to do at the beginning is to fight 10 times a day and work once a day with simple clicks on the browser that simple, following these steps you will start to earn money the first days.


As soon as you have your first income, if you want to increase your money and productivity faster, you have to get some energy to increase the average.


The cheapest and most effective way at the beginning would be to buy the newspapers that we have on the home page, try to buy the cheapest ones, the first 5 newspapers give you 0.30 of energy.


In this way you can get money faster and you can go little by little improving your energy buying food, later I will explain how it works.

How to work at Marketglory

To work in Marketglory you have to go to workplaces and work in the job position that comes out first with the word work highlighted.


Remember that you can only work once a day.

Fight in Marketglory

To fight you just have to go to Referral Fight and start fighting any of the opponents that come out.

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